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  • Writer's pictureAlaina

Most Popular Essential Oils and Their Uses

Updated: Feb 3, 2019

I've always been super into essential oils because of their natural ability to heal the body, physically and mentally. Not only are they organic but they are also cruelty-free (read my last post on cruelty-free beauty to learn more about this)! In this post, I have researched the uses and benefits of the most popular essential oils so you don't have to! (Click here to buy the same starter kit of six different essential oils that I have for less than $15.)


1. Lavender

Lavender is most commonly known for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety. Also, when diffused, it has the ability to aid in sleep because of its calming scent.

2. Tea Tree (melaleuca)

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and, therefore, is amazing for getting rid of acne when mixed with a water base and applied directly to the affected area. DO NOT apply straight up tea tree oil to your skin. It will dry out your skin and irritate it.

(Also, I asked an ear piercer at a local tattoo shop and she told me that, to get rid of bumps that are caused by new piercing, apply tea tree oil to the area for 5 minutes and then rinse it off with water and the bump will disappear in a few weeks at most!)

3. Eucalyptus

This oil can be used for temporarily relieving joint pain. Also, it is a natural decongestant when diffused. The aroma of eucalyptus can also aid in stress relief as well as fatigue. This oil also can help to keep mosquitoes away.

4. Lemongrass

Lemongrass oil has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Because of all of these characteristics, it can be used in an assortment of different products (like multi-purpose cleaner!) It can also help to relieve nausea and ulcers.

5. Orange

Most commonly known as a mood booster, it is best used in a diffuser for aromatherapy. Also, similar to tea tree oil, it is great for treating acne when used within facial cleansers because it dries out the skin and works as an antiseptic.

6. Peppermint

When diffused, peppermint can help to calm the mind/relieve stress. It can also be used for relieving headaches when applied directly to the temples and/or jawline. This oil also can help to keep mosquitoes away.


PSA: All of these oils are toxic for animals so, DO NOT diffuse or use these oils around your pets! Not all but most other oils are toxic as well so PLEASE do research on your essential oils before you use them in your home.

Love, me

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